

I. Name
The organization shall be named the International Core Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Core Academy).

II. Purpose
The Academy is an independent, academic, not-for-profit organization. The Academy was established to support international, cutting-edge, and interdisciplinary research across all fields of knowledge, recognize excellence in science and education, and promote global academic cooperation and knowledge dissemination for the benefit of humanity.

III. Memberships
1. Categories
The Academy’s membership ordinarily consists of three classes: Fellows, Corresponding Fellows, and Members. The Academy also reserves the right to grant other kinds of special memberships to individuals or organizations [see Section V].

2. Eligibility for Fellowships

Fellowships and corresponding fellowships are by invitation only and are not open to individual application. All selected fellows must agree with the Academy’s mission statement and be willing to contribute to its endeavors [see Section IV].

3. Eligibility for Membership
Membership is open to any individual or organization that agrees with the mission statement of the Academy and is willing to contribute to it. An applicant’s submitted membership application will be discussed and approved by the Academy’s Executive Board. After the Academy has approved the application and the applicant has paid the membership fee, the person or organization can become a member.

4. Voting Rights
Each regular member in good standing, as of the date of record, shall have the right to cast one vote in any vote of the membership.

5. Hold Harmless Clause
Core Academy members are responsible for the consequences of their own actions, including the research they conduct or disseminate. Core Academy neither claims credit for nor assumes responsibility for research conducted or shared by its members. The views or opinions of the individual presenters or authors are their own and do not reflect those of Core Academy.

6. Termination of Membership
A member may be suspended or expelled for cause following an appropriate hearing and with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members of the Executive Board. Any member may resign by submitting a written resignation. However, resignation does not absolve the resigning member of any responsibility to the Academy, nor does it diminish the Academy’s right to enforce those responsibilities.

7. Reinstatement

A former member who has been terminated for cause may submit a written reinstatement request to the Academy Secretary. The Executive Board will consider the request and make a decision by majority vote on whether or not to reinstate the member.

8. Transfer of Membership
Membership in the Academy, or any rights arising therefrom, cannot be sold, assigned or otherwise transferred.

9. Liability
No member of the Academy shall be held personally liable for any debts, obligations or liabilities of the Academy. All creditors of the Academy may solely rely on the assets of the Academy for debt repayment.

IV. Fellowships

1.      Fellows

Fellows shall be natural persons who are recognized for their significant original contributions to academia and the advancement of knowledge. They shall be selected in accordance with the procedure established in the Regulation of the Academy.


2.      Corresponding Fellows

Corresponding Fellows shall be natural persons who are selected as Corresponding Fellows in accordance with the procedure established in the Regulation of the Academy.


3.      Nomination

Nominations of candidates for the positions of Fellow or Corresponding Fellow of the Academy may be made by current Fellows, Academic Committee members, and invited organizations.


4.      Peer Review Process

Once a candidate has been nominated for a fellowship by one of the above-authorized parties, the Secretariat will send invitation letters to at least two current fellows of the Academy to request their peer review opinions. Only if the candidate’s academic records pass the peer review process shall the Secretariat proceed to send further information to the Academic Committee and Executive Board.


5.      Election

All fellows shall be elected by a majority vote of the relevant members of the Academic Committee, who will be from the applicable division of the Academy or have expertise in the candidate’s field. The Executive Board must conduct a final review before extending an invitation or sending a nomination letter to the candidate.


6.      Invitation

Acceptance of the invitation to become a member of any division of the Academy represents a successful selection of the candidate. All selected fellows should agree with the mission statement of the Academy and be willing to contribute to its endeavors.


V. Special Categories of Members

1. Patrons

Patrons may be natural persons, organizations, charitable foundations, funding bodies, societies, and other such organizations or individuals that, through significant and substantive action, have demonstrated outstanding support for and a major commitment to the objectives of Core Academy. They may be invited to become Patrons of the Academy. All Patrons are affiliated members of the Academy.


2. Honorary Members

Honorary Members are individuals who have made a significant contribution to the achievement of the objectives and missions of the Academy and have been invited by the Executive Board to become members. Honorary Members are affiliated members of the Academy.


3. Junior Fellows

The Academy will grant Junior Fellowships to early-career scholars whose contributions to academia have been recognized by the Academy’s Fellows or Academic Committee members. Current Fellows of the Academy have the right to recommend possible candidates for Junior Fellowships. Junior Fellows are affiliated members of the Academy and possess the same rights as ordinary members. The selection of Junior Fellows is determined by the Academic Committee and the Executive Board.


4. Special Memberships

All special members are affiliated members of the Academy who possess equal rights to ordinary members (excluding those of Fellows and Corresponding Fellows to nominate and participate in the fellowship peer review process). The establishment of new types of special memberships shall be decided by the Academy’s Executive Board.


VI. Organization
1. Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of Core Academy includes an Executive Board, a Secretariat, an Academic Committee, and a Research Institute.
1) The General Assembly of Members shall be held for every five years. If it becomes necessary to change the assembly earlier or later due to special circumstances, the meeting shall occur no more than one year before or after the scheduled time.

2) The Executive Board is the executive body responsible for leading the Academy in its daily operations. 

2. Executive Board
1) The Executive Board is the governing body of the Academy and consists of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary-General, and other members at large known as directors.
2) The number of directors shall not total less than six and shall not exceed 30.
3) All directors must be at least 18 years old and be current members of the Academy.
4) A General Meeting of the Executive Board shall be convened only when more than two-thirds of the total number of directors are present, and any resolution of the Executive Board shall require approval by more than two-thirds of the directors present in order to take effect.
5) The Executive Board shall meet at least once per year; in special cases, the meeting may be held remotely.
6) The President and Vice Presidents of the Executive Board shall have the following powers:
(a) To convene and preside over meetings of the Executive Board and any other meeting attended by the President, as may be provided for in the Bylaws of the Academy.
(b) To oversee the implementation of the resolutions issued by the Executive Board.
7) The President and Vice Presidents of the Academy shall serve for one-year terms.

8)The Executive Board shall have the following powers:
(a) To implement resolutions.
(b) To recommend Vice Presidents, the Secretary-General, Division Chairs, and members of the Academic Committee.
(c) To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Members.
(d) To decide on the admission and removal of members.
(e) To determine the establishment, modification and termination of offices, divisions, representative bodies and entities.
(f) To lead the work of the institutions of the Academy.
(g) To develop the internal management system.
(h) To establish and select honorary posts
(i) To make decisions on other matters of importance.

3. Secretariat
1) The Secretariat shall consist of a Secretary-General and the number of administrative staff required by the Academy.
2) The staff shall be appointed by the Secretary-General in accordance with the regulations established by the General Assembly.
3) The Secretary-General of the Academy shall have the following powers:
(a) To preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan.
(b) To coordinate the work of the divisions, representatives and entities.
(c) To nominate the Deputy Secretary-General and recommend the main persons in charge of each division, representative body and entity, and submit these recommendations to the Executive Board for their review and decision.
(d) To make decisions regarding the employment of full-time staff of offices, representative bodies and entity agencies.
(e) To manage other day-to-day affairs.

4. Committees and Councils
1) Academic Committee

The Academic Committee is responsible for overseeing the academic activities of the Academy. The Academic Committee shall consist of the chair of each division, selected Fellows, and current members. The Committee is responsible for organizing and leading the Academy in the following activities:
(a) Conducting research webinars, web forums, and/or workshops.
(b) Organizing scholarly communication activities.
(c) Assisting the Academy meeting chairs in distributing proposals and reviewing meeting documents.
(d) Voting in the fellowship and special membership selection process.


2) Committees

All other councils or committees shall be established by a decision of the Executive Board.


5. Core Academy Research Institute (Ke Rui Academy)

1) Ke Rui Academy functions as the Research Institute of the Core Academy, serving its members and promoting the implementation of relevant research projects.

2) All Core Academy Fellows, Corresponding Fellows, and Members have the corresponding membership rights as Ke Rui Academy Members.

3) All Ke Rui Academy members who wish to become Core Academy members should apply for Core Academy membership and obtain the approval of the Academy in order to officially join the Academy.


VII. Principles of Asset Management and Use
1. Contract
The Executive Board is empowered to authorize any officer, agent or attorney of the Academy to enter into any contract or to execute and deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf of the Academy. This authority may be general or limited to specific circumstances. Any authority designated in this manner is subject to the legal regulations pertaining to the Executive Board and the Academy’s Constitution and Bylaws.

2. Checks, Money Orders or Payment Orders
All checks, drafts, payment orders, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Academy must be signed by an officer whose signature is determined by resolution of the Executive Board. If the Executive Board has not designated such an officer, the instruments shall be signed by the Secretary-General or the President of the Academy, unless otherwise provided by Bylaws.

3. Donations
The Executive Board, acting on behalf of the Academy, is authorized to accept any contribution, gift, or bequest made to the Academy in general or for specific purposes.

4. Members
According to the Academy’s articles, members of the Academy may receive remuneration or grants in accordance with their participation in the Academy's work. The specific remuneration is dependent on their specific activities and arrangements.

VIII. The Procedure for Amending the Constitution
1. Modification by the Executive Board
The Executive Board is empowered to adopt, amend or repeal the Regulation except in cases where such actions would have a materially adverse effect on the voting rights of the members. The Executive Board may not extend a member’s term beyond the originally specified duration.

2. Modification by the General Assembly of Members
Amendments to the main contents of the Bylaws must be approved by a resolution of the General Meeting of Members.