"African Art Music and the Challenge of Postcolonial Composition," in Dynamisch Traditionen: Globale Perspektiven auf zeitgenössiche Musik, ed. Elisa Erkelenz and Katja Heldt (Donaueschingen: Druckerei Hermann, 2021), 179-187.
"Rethinking Ligeti's (and Reich's) African Affiliations," in A Tribute to György Ligeti in His Native Transylvania, Nos. 1-2, ed. Bianca Tiplea Temes and Kofi Agawu (Cluj-Napoca: MediaMusica, 2020): 105-131.
“Preludio: La musica como discurso, diez anos después” [“Foreword: Music as Discourse Ten Years On”], Música e Investigación 28 (2020), 141-45.
“Against Ethnotheory.” In The Dawn of Music Semiology: Essays in Honor of Jean-Jacques Nattiez, ed. Jonathan Dunsby and Jonathan Goldman (University of Rochester Press, 2017): 38-55.
“Tonality as a Colonizing Force in Africa.” In Audible Empire: Music, Global Politics, Critique, ed. Ronald Radano and Tejumola Olaniyan (Duke University Press, 2016): 334-354. **Translated into Portuguese by José H. Padovani as “O tonalismo como força colonizadora na África,” Revista Vórtex [Vortex Music Journal] 9 (2021), 1-34: https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2021.9.1.20
“Topics and Form in Mozart’s String Quintet in E Flat Major, K. 614/I,” in The Oxford Handbook of Topic Theory, ed. Danuta Mirka (Oxford University Press, 2014): 474-492. **Volume received a Citation of Merit from the Society for Music Theory (2015)**
“Taruskin’s Problem(s),” Music Theory Spectrum 33/2 (2011): 186-90.
“The Challenge of African Art Music,” Circuit, musiques contemporaines 21/2 (2011): 55-72.
“Topic Theory: Achievement, Critique, Prospects.” In Passagen/IMS Congress Zürich 2007: Fünf Hauptvorträge, ed. Laurenz Lütteken and Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen (Zurich: Bärenreiter, 2008): 38-69.
**Translated into French by Geneviève Bégou as "La théorie des topiques: Bilan, critiques et perspectives," in Narratologie musicale: topiques, théories et stratégies analytiques," ed. Márta Grabócz (Paris: Hermann, 2021), 43-72.
“Beethoven’s Op. 18 No. 3, First Movement: Two Readings, with a Comment on Analysis.” In Communication in Eighteenth-Century Music, ed. Danuta Mirka and Kofi Agawu (Cambridge University Press, 2008): 230-53.
“To Cite or Not to Cite? Confronting the Legacy of (European) Writing on African Music.” Fontes Artis Musicae 54/3 (2007): 254-62.
“The Communal Ethos in African Performance: Ritual, Narrative and Music among the Northern Ewe.” In Approaches to African Musics, ed. Enrique Cámara de Landa and Silvia Martínez García (Universidad de Valladolid, Centro Buendía, 2006): 181-200. Also published in TRANS 11 (2007).
“Structural Analysis or Cultural Analysis? Competing Perspectives on the ‘Standard Pattern’ of West African Rhythm.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 59/1 (2006): 1-46.
“Analyzing Black Gospel Music: Notes on the Rev. James Cleveland’s Rendition of ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” In Multiple Interpretations of Creativity and Knowledge in African Music Traditions, ed. Bode Omojola and George Dor (MRI Press, 2005): 153-164.
“How We Got Out of Analysis and How to Get Back In Again,” Music Analysis 23/2-3 (2005): 267-86.
“What Adorno Makes Possible for Music Analysis,” 19th-Century Music 29/1 (2005): 48-54.
"Aesthetic Inquiry and the Music of Africa." In A Companion to African Philosophy, edited by Kwasi Wiredu (Blackwells, 2004): 404-14.
"Contesting Difference: A Critique of (Africanist) Ethnomusicology." In The Cultural Study of Music: A Critical Introduction, ed. by Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert and Richard Middleton (New York, 2003): 227-37.
"Il ritmo.” In Enciclopedia della Musica II: Il sapere musicale, translated by Fulvia De Colle, ed. Jean-Jacques Nattiez. (Einaudi, 2002): 45-71.
"The Symphonies." In The Brahms Companion, ed. Michael Musgrave (Cambridge University Press, 1999): 133-55.
"Music Analysis versus Musical Hermeneutics." American Journal of Semiotics 13/1-4 (1998): 9-24. French translation by Geneviève Bégou as “Analyse musicale contre herméneutique musicale.” In Sens et signification en musique, ed. Marta Grabocz. (Hermann, 2007): 93-106.
"The Challenge of Musical Semiotics." In Rethinking Music, ed. Nicholas Cook and Mark Everist (Oxford University Press, 1998): 138-60.
"The Chamber Music of Beethoven." In Chamber Music in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Stephen Hefling (Schirmer, 1997): 1-38.
"Analyzing Music under the New Musicological Regime." Music Theory Online 2(4): http://www.societymusictheory.org/mto/issues/mto.96.2.4/mto.96.2.4.agawu.html. Reprinted in Journal of Musicology 15/3 (1997): 297-307.
"The Narrative Impulse in the Second Nachtmusik from Mahler's 7th." In Analytical Strategies and Musical Interpretation: Essays on Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Music, ed. Craig Ayrey and Mark Everist (Cambridge University Press, 1996): 226-41.
"Mozart's Art of Variation: Remarks on the First Movement of K. 503." In Mozart's Piano Concertos: Text, Context, Interpretation, ed. Neal Zaslaw (The University of Michigan Press, 1996): 303-13.
"Prospects for a Theory-Based Analysis of Mozart's Instrumental Music." In Wolfgang Amadé Mozart: Essays on His Life and Work, ed. Stanley Sadie (Oxford University Press, 1996): 121-31.
"Prolonged Counterpoint in Mahler." In Mahler Studies, ed. Stephen Hefling (Cambridge University Press, 1996): 217-47.
"The Invention of ‘African Rhythm’." Journal of the American Musicological Society 48/3 (1995): 380-95. Reprinted in Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, vol. 3, ed. Simon Frith (New York: Routledge, 2004), 103-18.
"Ambiguity in Tonal Music: A Preliminary Study." In Theory, Analysis and Meaning in Music, ed. Anthony Pople (Cambridge University Press, 1994): 86-107.
"Does Music Theory need Musicology?" Current Musicology 53 (1993): 89-98.
"Representing African Music." Critical Inquiry 18/2 (1992): 245-66.
"Theory and Practice in the Analysis of the Nineteenth-Century Lied." Music Analysis 11/1 (1992): 3-36.
"Stravinsky's Mass and Stravinsky Analysis." Music Theory Spectrum 11/2 (1989), 139-63.
"Schenkerian Notation in Concept and Practice." Music Analysis 8/3 (1989): 275-301.
"Music in the Funeral Traditions of the Akpafu." Ethnomusicology 32/1 (1988): 75-105.
"Tone and Tune: The Evidence for Northern Ewe Music." Africa 58/3 (1988): 127-46.
"Concepts of Closure and Chopin's Opus 28." Music Theory Spectrum 9 (1987): 1-17.
"Tonal Strategy in the First Movement of Mahler's Tenth Symphony." Nineteenth-Century Music 9/2 (1986): 222-33.