Membership Number: FCA1133
Membership Type: Fellowship
Division: Social Sciences
Corresponding Email:
Present and Previous Positions
Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of Armenian National Academy of Sciences (1995-2019), Scientific Head of the Institute (since 2019), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011)
Fields of Scholarship and Research Interests
Methodology and methods of sociology, verification of sociological information, sociological theories of disaster, migration, political sociology, investigation of problems and peculiarities of transforming societies
Honors, Awards and Other Membership
President of Armenian Sociological Association (since 1990)
International Sociological Association (1993)
Armenian Behavioral Science Association (1994)
USA, Russian Sociological Society (1995)
International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society (1998)
European Sociological Association (2000)
International Philosophical Academy (2003)
Member of ESOPMAR (2006)
Foreign member of Russian Academy of Sciences (2022)
Selected Publications